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Collection Training always brings results!

Debt collection training guides is a commitment to the business but gives immediate benefits. With improved collection results that good training produces helps new collectors have an understanding and gives the experienced collectors a refresh and help get rid of bad habits. Training is always an investment but will always produce a profitable return.

The Process of Professional Collections™ comes with a set of 7 DVDs, a leader guide and participant workbooks to get your staff feeling confident and capable of being a successful debt collector.

Traits of the Successful Debt Collector…….

Good training programs gives key points on how to be a successful collector.
- Representatives that are skilled communicators listen “between the lines” and maintain control of their own emotions.
- Telephone voice training, voice attributes can make or break a collection call.
- Handing objections and learning to acknowledge objections, to ask questions to obtain the exact reasons for the objection.
- Closing the call will help avoid confusion, ensures the collector and client are agreeing to the same things.

What makes a Successful Collector?

The Process of Professional Collections™ will give you step by step guide on communication skills to be a successful collector. Listening skills, asking questions with precision, handling objections and closing the call are just a few skills to make a well-rounded and successful collector.

Did you know that up to 50% of training cost are consumed on paying for an employee’s time? A training approach that optimizes time is desirable. The purpose of training must not be lost in the process. This will only help the collector to have confidence and maximum results.

Professional Collection Training Videos

(Available in DVD and VHS Format)
The Process of Professional Collections™ is an award-winning video program that makes it easier than ever to empower collectors with the communication and collection skills they need to be more successful in telephone collections. These collection training videos and workbooks are aimed at debt collectors, bill collectors, collection agencies, and any one who is looking to increase profit by improving debt recovery.

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